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Schools open only for vulnerable children and children of key workers

The Prime Minister has imposed new lockdown restrictions to combat the escalating Covid-19 crisis, which means all schools will now only be open for vulnerable children and children of key workers. Education will be delivered by remote learning, online or through workbooks...
Posted On 05 Jan 2021

Hello and goodbye!

An advanced skills teacher with a passion for learning has been appointed headteacher of Patrington Church of England Primary Academy. Mrs Carron Pitois will take over from Jacqui Grant, who is moving to a leadership role at a school in Bridlington. Mrs Pitois is currently acting...
Posted On 14 Dec 2020

November 2020 newsletter

Newsletter November 2020
Posted On 23 Nov 2020

October 2020 newsletter

Newsletter October 2020
Posted On 03 Nov 2020

Supporting the Mental Health and Well-being of our Children

The last five weeks have flown by! The children have returned to school so well and ready to learn. As a school, we have prioritised the Mental Health and Well-being of all of our school community. The children have benefited from our Bounceback Curriculum which has helped to...
Posted On 12 Oct 2020

We ran around the world!

We have now completed our challenge – and children and staff at our 24 schools have ‘ran around the world’. During the 31 days of May we walked, ran, cycled or wheeled over 44,000km, which allowed us to ‘travel’ across our planet. All the details of our journey will shortly be on...
Posted On 03 Jun 2020

Where in the world??

We’re nearly half-way through our challenge and almost half-way around the world – we’re in Australia! Between us we’ve covered almost 18,000 kilometres! Keep it up, everyone, and don’t forget to include family and friends. Importantly, make sure you log your distances.
Posted On 15 May 2020

Latest update – 11 May 2020

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday 10 May, we now know that a conditional plan for education will see Reception, Year One and Year Six pupils begin a phased return to school from Monday 1 June; with Year 10 and Year 12 pupils spending at least some time...
Posted On 11 May 2020

Keep up to date with our Run Around the World

We are regularly updating our charity run website page here ( After a busy first weekend, between all our efforts we have travelled over 3,000 kilometres. Keep coming back to this website to find out our...
Posted On 05 May 2020

Join us in our Run Around the World

Our school is joining with all 24 schools across Ebor Academy Trust in a challenge to Run Around the World! If all of the 6,000 pupils, plus 500 others – your family or staff – take part and run, walk, cycle or wheel 200 metres per day during each day in May, we will collectively...
Posted On 30 Apr 2020