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Personal Development at Patrington CE Primary Academy

‘And Jesus said to him, “If you can, all things are possible to those who believe,” (Mark 9:23)


Everyone belongs, everyone cares, everyone tries

Inclusivity and Equity

Our school is an amazing place, full of happy inspirational individuals. As a Church of England Primary School we hold a Christian vision, rooted within a passage of the Bible that tells us that; with belief all things are possible. 

We want every child in our school to enjoy their time here and feel safe and happy as a Patrington pupil.

We aim to treat everyone in our school community with dignity and respect, building friendship and trust along the way. We want everyone in our school to feel that they belong here and we support our families with care and teach perseverance to enable our pupils to find their own wonderful God given gift or talent. 

We encourage kindness, curiosity and creativity in our children and we celebrate success in all its forms. We recognise children’s individual achievements and support their individual learning needs. We strive to create an environment and opportunities that enable all children to achieve success. Our curriculum focuses not just on academic achievement, but on personal development and wellbeing. We explicitly teach the behaviour that we expect through our ‘Patrington Path’ Behaviour Curriculum.

For some families, our provision involves personalised support, small group work or parents and staff working in partnership with our SEND and our Pastoral team. We also work closely with outside agencies who can offer our families further support.

At Patrington C of E Primary Academy we aim to ensure that all learners receive the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Our curriculum extends beyond the academic, technical or vocational. It provides for our wonderful children broader development, enabling them to develop and discover their interests and talents. We want our children to leave us well rounded, respectful and prepared for the world!

Patrington Waves of Provision Offer

Universal offer (Whole Class):

Support through Quality First Teaching. Effective inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching. 


Examples include:

  • Inclusive and adaptive curriculum designed to meet the needs of all learners.
  • Daily check-in using the zones of regulation.
  • Access to Lyfta.
  • Dyslexia friendly classrooms.
  • Access to wellbeing resource packs to support wellbeing in class.
  • Termly curriculum enrichment – visits and visitors.

Additional targeted  offer:

Support through time-limited, 1:1 or small group intervention to accelerate children’s progress to enable them to work at or above age-related expectations.

Examples include:

  • Wellbeing ELSA support
  • Lego Therapy
  • Bereavement support
  • Coloured overlays
  • Pencil grips
  • Dyslexia screening
  • Friendship group

Specialist  offer:

Personalised plan of support, tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential


Examples include:

  • Multi- element plan
  • Educational Psychologist 
  • CAMHS 
  • Social Prescribers
  • SALT (Speech & Language)
  • School Nurse

Full details of our provision can be found in our  Waves of provision document.

Support for families:

We work in partnership with our families and the teaching staff communicate with parents in person on the door and also through the dojo communication app and this communication helps us  to identify and meet need. 

Mrs Pickering is our Behaviour & Wellbeing lead, she works with families and signposts parents to the best support.


Supporting Documentation

Wellbeing at Patrington

Threshold of need