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Newsletter September 2018

Newsletter  5 September 2018

It was good to welcome the children in to school this morning. They all looked ready for coming back to school after the summer break. I do hope you have had an enjoyable break and have been able to make the most of the good weather.

As the children settle in their classes, members of staff will be sending you a letter providing general information and a greater insight into the learning planned for this half term and how you can help your child.

We have lots of lost property in school. Anything which is named will be given back to its owner. All other items will be washed and used a spare uniform.

Staff News
We welcome Mrs Heap and Miss Copley who join us supporting pupils in EYFS, Year 4 and across the school. We also welcome Mrs Cross to our lunchtime team. Please note that senior leaders in school have changes in their responsibilities:
Assistant Head Teacher and EYFS/Y1 Leader – Mrs Frazer
Phase Y5/6 and Literacy Leader – Miss Simpkins
Phase Y2/3/4 and Maths Leader – Miss Leeman
SENCO – Mrs Marshall
If you have a concern or query regarding your child then please in the first instance contact your child’s class teacher. Usually they will be able to answer any concerns or offer reassurance quickly. In the event of this not happening, please then make contact with your phase leader. They are a member of the Senior Leadership Team and as such will support with the concerns of any parent or pupil within their phase.

School Uniform
Please ensure your child wears the correct uniform to school, including for PE. Pupils have been reminded what our school uniform is and attached is our school uniform policy for your information. Please contact the office if you need support with providing the correct school uniform for your child. This will be treated in the strictest
confidence. Please ensure that all uniform is labelled, as it makes it easy to return lost property and helps after changing for PE, especially for the younger children. The weather is changing so it is important that your child has a coat in school each day. Uniform continues to be available for you to order from

Attendance was a concern last year with a number of families falling below the expected 95%. It is important to remind you that the law does state that as a parent you are responsible under section 444 of the 1996 Education Act to make sure that your child attends school regularly and on time so they can be educated. National guidelines are set to the school, challenging us to raise our attendance percentages and to closely monitor any child’s absence.
Your child’s education is our number one priority and I am sure you would agree how important it is that your child does attend school every day and on time, therefore we cannot take absences lightly and are legally obliged by the Department for Education and Ofsted to make contact with families where attendance falls below 95%.

Our school has safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure that every child, regardless of their age, gender,  religion or ethnicity, can be protected from harm.
Safeguarding means:
 protecting children from abuse and
 preventing harm to children’s health or
 ensuring children grow up with the
 provision of safe and effective care
 taking action to enable all children and
young people have the best outcomes
Everyone has a responsibility to keep children and young people safe. If you have a concern about a child, staff member or volunteer at our school please make us aware of it. Our Safeguarding Leader is Mrs Atkinson.

Healthy lunchboxes
Patrington Primary Academy does promote a healthy lifestyle and in doing so we encourage our pupils to bring a healthy packed lunch. We ask you therefore to please avoid putting chocolate bars and sugary snacks in lunchboxes.
With healthy lifestyles in mind we also ask that break time snacks are fruit or cereal bars and not chocolate, crisps or sweets. Could we remind you that food items such as grapes, cocktail sausages and similar sized food should be cut up so as to avoid choking.

Extended School Provision
If you use Breakfast or After School Club, please remember that you now need to book and pay online in advance through Parent Pay. Please contact the office if you need advice.

Parent View
If you would like to give your opinion about our school you can do so at
There is a link under the heading ‘For Parents’ on our website.

In the event that you have a complaint about the school, we would be very anxious to speak to you. Please see the documents page of our school website to read our complaints policy.

Pupils should bring their PE kits on a Monday to leave in school until Friday as sometimes additional opportunities during the week may mean they need their PE kits.

Arrangements for the start and end of the day
Gates will be opened at 8:40am and doors at 8:45am. Pupils are then able to enter the building as soon as they arrive through the appropriate doors. The doors will remain open until 8:55am. Anyone arriving after this time will need to enter the school via the office. Teachers are not available to speak to parents at this time. However messages can be passed to the adult on the door. Any requests to see teachers should be made through the office. At the end of the day FS1 and FS2 pupils, as well as children in Years 1 and 2, will be handed over to parents, so please come into the school grounds when the gate is opened at 3.10pm. For pupils in Years 3 to 6 they are allowed to meet you outside the school gate or walk home alone, if this is what you arrange with your child. Please inform staff of any special collection arrangements.
Please note that parents should not enter the school building via the playground unless accompanied by a member of staff for safeguarding purposes.

Dates for the Diary
21.09.18 School Photographs
15.10.18 Vision screening
17.10.18 Book Fair week
26.10.18 School closes 3.15 p.m.
05.11.18 School opens 8.45 a.m.
07.11.18 Flu Vaccinations
16.11.18 School closed for training
21.12.18 School closes 3.15 p.m.
07.01.19 School opens 8.45 a.m.

“Sowing the seeds, nurturing the growth, sharing
the harvest, rejoicing with God”

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