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Walk to School week 20-24 May 2024

Following the pupil parliament meeting today we are launching Patrington Walk to School week NEXT WEEK! (It is the national one then too).

All classes have their own promotional pack and we are asking that all staff give the parliament member a chance to discuss it and launch it in their classroom.

We want to encourage all children to take part in their own way. Either walk to school (or scoot/bike) or if they live too far- build a walk into their journey by either parking at Pat park or parking further away (possibly at the church car park). Bus/Taxi children are going to walk round the school and in with Mrs Dee/Mrs Wilson.

By way of promoting “Park at Pat Park” we are asking specific year groups to give it a try on set days:

Monday – Year 1 & Year 6

Tuesday – Year 3 & Year 4

Wednesday – Year 2 & Year 5

Thursday – EYFS

Friday – Anyone who enjoyed parking at Pat park is encouraged to keep it up.

The parliament members from those classes will meet there from 8.20am on their day to promote it and Y6 are keen to help extra on EYFS’ day.

Let’s get our steps up and walk to school!



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